### sub fold ```perl6 sub fold( Str:D $string, Int:D :$width where { ... } = 80, Int:D :$indent where { ... } = 0 ) returns Str ``` Fold a string to contain no lines longer than the given width. class Str:D $string ------------------- The string to fold. class Int:D :$width where { ... } = 80 -------------------------------------- The maximum width of lines in the text. class Int:D :$indent where { ... } = 0 -------------------------------------- The number of spaces used to indent the text. ### sub new-line-length ```perl6 sub new-line-length( Str:D @words, Str:D $new-word, Int:D $indent-width ) returns Int ``` Calculate the total line length of a would-be line. NAME ==== String::Fold AUTHOR ====== Patrick Spek <p.spek@tyil.work> VERSION ======= 0.1.1 SYNOPSIS ======== fold(Str:D $, Int:D :$width, Int:D :$indent); DESCRIPTION =========== Fold a `Str` to a given width. Accepts a `:$width`Defaults to `80` and a `:$indent`Defaults to `0`. EXAMPLES ======== Basic usage ----------- input ===== use String::Fold; my Str $folded = fold(slurp("some-text-file")); This will yield a folded string in `$folded`. The input file will have all its lines folded to a maximum width of 80 characters. Folding at a custom width ------------------------- input ===== use String::Fold; my Str $folded = slurp("some-text-file").&fold(:width(40)); This will yield a string folded at 40 characters, instead of the default of 80 characters. Any number higher that `0` is accepted. Indented block -------------- input ===== use String::Fold; my Str $indented = slurp("some-text-file").&fold(:indent(8)); This will yield a string folded at 80 characters (the default), and indented by 8 spaces.