NAME CGI::AppBuilder::Security - Security Procedures SYNOPSIS use CGI::AppBuilder::Security; my $sec = CGI::AppBuilder::Security->new(); my ($sta, $msg) = $sec->access_ok($ar); DESCRIPTION This class provides methods for reading and parsing configuration files. new (ifn => 'file.cfg', opt => 'hvS:') This is a inherited method from CGI::AppBuilder. See the same method in CGI::AppBuilder for more details. access_ok($ar) Input variables: $ar - array ref containing the following variables: task : task name required ($t) sel_sn1 : select one (DB/server name) sel_sn2 : select two (Argument) allowed_ip : allowed ip address for each task roles : roles allowed to access a list of tasks svr_allowed : server allowed for each task arg_required : required argument for each task Variables used or routines called: None How to use: First define the parameters in the initial file or define all the parameters in a hash array reference as $ar->{$p} where $p are task = task_name sel_sn1 = a_db_name_or_server_name app_user = logname_or_logid usr_role = { usr1 = [qw(dba owb)], usr2 = [qw(r1 r2)], } usr_task = { usr1 = [qw(task1 task2)], usr2 = [qw(task3 task4)], } rol_task = { dba => [qw(task1 task3 task5)], owb => [qw(task2 task4)], } allowed_ip = { all => [,,], task1 => [,], task2 => [], } arg_required = { task1 => 'input1:input2', task2 => 'p_dnm:p_prj:p_tab:p_own', } svr_allowed = { task1 => {svr1=>1}, task2 => {svr1=>1,svr2=>1,svr3=>1}, } # $time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year); # $sec : 0~59 # $min : 0~59 # $hour: 0~23 # $mday: 1~31 # $mon : 0~11 # $year: yyyy-1900 # ex : [0,0,0,16,8,109] = 2009/09/16 00:00:00 task_expired = { task1 => [0,0,0,25,0,109], # 2009/01/25 task1 => [0,0,0,17,8,119], # 2019/09/17 } my ($q, $ar, $ar_log) = $self->start_app($0, \@ARGV); or my $ar = $self->read_init_file('/tmp/my_init.cfg'); my ($status, $err_msg) = $self->access_ok($ar); if ($status > 0) { print "OK\n"; } else { print "Failed: $err_msg\n"; } my ($ok, $msg) = $self->access_ok($task, $ar); if ($ok) { $self->exe_sql($q, $ar); } else { print $self->disp_form($q, $ar); print "<font color=red>$msg</font>\n" if $ar->{write_log}; $self->echo_msg($msg,0); } Return: ($status, $msg) where $status is 1 (ok) or 0 (not), and the msg is the error message. get_cookies ($cgi,$ar) Input variables: $cgi - CGI object $ar - Array ref containing all the parameters Variables used or routines called: disp_param - display parameters How to use: my $q = new CGI; my %cfg = (usr=>'jsmith', pwd=>'jojo'); my @names = $q->param; foreach my $k (@names) { $cfg{$k} = $q->param($k) if ! exists $cfg{$k}; } $self->get_cookies($q, \%cfg); Return: ($ck_ar, $ck1, $ck2, $ck3) - hash array reference for cookies (${$ck_ar}{$ck}{$ck}) and cookie names. This method retrieves and parses cookies set by previous process and returns them in a hash array reference. set_cookies ($cgi,$ar, $cr, $dr) Input variables: $cgi - CGI object $ar - Array ref containing all the parameters $cr - cookie array ref $dr - access array ref Variables used or routines called: get_cookies - get cookie hash array ref get_access - get access hash array ref How to use: my $q = new CGI; my %cfg = (usr=>'jsmith', pwd=>'jojo'); my @names = $q->param; foreach my $k (@names) { $cfg{$k} = $q->param($k) if ! exists $cfg{$k}; } $self->get_cookies($q, \%cfg); Return: 1 or 0 to indicates whether setting cookies is sucessfull. This method retrieves and parses cookies set by previous process and returns them in a hash array reference. HISTORY * Version 0.10 This version ported from on 9/17/2009. * Version 0.20 SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often) Oracle::Loader, Oracle::Trigger, CGI::AppBuilder, File::Xcopy, CGI::AppBuilder::Message AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2009 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved. This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 412: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'