[](https://travis-ci.org/JJ/raku-syslog-parse) NAME ==== raku::syslog::parse - Creates a supply out of syslog entries SYNOPSIS ======== ```perl6 use Syslog::Parse; use Syslog::Parse; my $parser = Syslog::Parse.new; $parser.parsed.tap: -> $v { say $v; } sleep( @*ARGS[0] // 120 ); ``` Or use Syslog::Parse; my $parser = Syslog::Parse.new; Promise.at(now+1).then: { shell "logger logging $_" for ^10; }; react { whenever $parser.parsed -> %v { say %v; done(); # Just interested in the last one } } DESCRIPTION =========== Syslog::Parse is a parser that extracts information from every line in `/var/log/syslog`. Creates two objects of the kind `Supply`: one (simply called `.supply` that returns the raw lines, another, `.parsed`, which returns a structure with the following keys: ```text day # Day in the month month # TLA of month hour # String with hour hostname # Hostname that produced it actor # Who produced the message log pid # Sometimes, it goes with a PID message # Another data structure, with key message (the whole message) and # user if one has been dentified ``` AUTHOR ====== JJ Merelo <jjmerelo@gmail.com> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2020 JJ Merelo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.