NAME Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid - Tags helper for navigation grid. SYNOPSIS use Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid; my $obj = Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid->new(%params); $obj->cleanup; $obj->init($items_ar); $obj->prepare; $obj->process; $obj->process_css; METHODS "new" my $obj = Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid->new(%params); Constructor. * "css" 'CSS::Struct::Output' object for process_css processing. Default value is undef. * "css_class" CSS class for navigation grid. Default value is 'navigation'. * "tags" 'Tags::Output' object. Default value is undef. Returns instance of object. "cleanup" $obj->cleanup; Process cleanup after page run. Returns undef. "init" $obj->init($items_ar); Initialize object. Variable $items_ar is reference to array with Data::Navigation::Item instances. Returns undef. "prepare" $obj->prepare; Prepare object. Do nothing in this object. Returns undef. "process" $obj->process; Process Tags structure for navigation grid. Returns undef. "process_css" $obj->process_css; Process CSS::Struct structure for navigation grid. Returns undef. ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. From Tags::HTML::new(): Parameter 'css' must be a 'CSS::Struct::Output::*' class. Parameter 'tags' must be a 'Tags::Output::*' class. init(): Bad reference to array with items. Item object must be a 'Data::Navigation::Item' instance. process(): From Tags::HTML::process(): Parameter 'tags' isn't defined. process_css(): From Tags::HTML::process_css(): Parameter 'css' isn't defined. EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Data::Navigation::Item; use Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid; use Tags::Output::Indent; # Object. my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent->new; my $tags = Tags::Output::Indent->new; my $obj = Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid->new( 'css' => $css, 'tags' => $tags, ); my @items = ( Data::Navigation::Item->new( 'class' => 'nav-item1', 'desc' => 'This is description #1', 'id' => 1, 'image' => '/img/foo.png', 'location' => '/first', 'title' => 'First', ), Data::Navigation::Item->new( 'class' => 'nav-item2', 'desc' => 'This is description #2', 'id' => 2, 'image' => '/img/bar.png', 'location' => '/second', 'title' => 'Second', ), ); $obj->init(\@items); # Process login b. $obj->process_css; $obj->process; # Print out. print "CSS\n"; print $css->flush."\n\n"; print "HTML\n"; print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # CSS # .navigation { # display: flex; # flex-wrap: wrap; # gap: 20px; # padding: 20px; # justify-content: center; # } # .nav-item { # display: flex; # flex-direction: column; # align-items: center; # border: 2px solid #007BFF; # border-radius: 15px; # padding: 15px; # width: 200px; # } # .nav-item img { # width: 100px; # height: 100px; # } # .nav-item h3 { # margin: 10px 0; # font-family: sans-serif; # } # .nav-item { # text-align: center; # font-family: sans-serif; # } # # HTML # <nav class="navigation"> # <div class="nav-item1"> # <img src="/img/foo.png" alt="First"> # </img> # <h3> # <a href="/first"> # First # </a> # </h3> # <p> # This is description #1 # </p> # </div> # <div class="nav-item2"> # <img src="/img/bar.png" alt="Second"> # </img> # <h3> # <a href="/second"> # Second # </a> # </h3> # <p> # This is description #2 # </p> # </div> # </nav> EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Data::Navigation::Item; use Plack::App::Tags::HTML; use Plack::Builder; use Plack::Runner; use Tags::Output::Indent; # Plack application with foo SVG file. my $svg_foo = <<'END'; <?xml version="1.0" ?> <svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200" viewBox="-1 -1 2 2"> <polygon points="0,-0.5 0.433,0.25 -0.433,0.25" fill="#FF6347"/> <polygon points="0,-0.5 0.433,0.25 0,0.75" fill="#4682B4"/> <polygon points="0.433,0.25 -0.433,0.25 0,0.75" fill="#32CD32"/> <polygon points="0,-0.5 -0.433,0.25 0,0.75" fill="#FFD700"/> </svg> END my $app_foo = sub { return [ 200, ['Content-Type' => 'image/svg+xml'], [$svg_foo], ]; }; # Plack application with bar SVG file. my $svg_bar = <<'END'; <?xml version="1.0" ?> <svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200"> <polygon points="100,30 50,150 150,150" fill="#4682B4"/> <polygon points="100,30 150,150 130,170" fill="#4682B4" opacity="0.9"/> <polygon points="100,30 50,150 70,170" fill="#4682B4" opacity="0.9"/> <polygon points="70,170 130,170 100,150" fill="#4682B4" opacity="0.8"/> </svg> END my $app_bar = sub { return [ 200, ['Content-Type' => 'image/svg+xml'], [$svg_bar], ]; }; my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent->new; my $tags = Tags::Output::Indent->new( 'xml' => 1, 'preserved' => ['style'], ); # Navigation items. my @items = ( Data::Navigation::Item->new( 'class' => 'nav-item', 'desc' => 'This is description #1', 'id' => 1, 'image' => '/img/foo.svg', 'location' => '/first', 'title' => 'First', ), Data::Navigation::Item->new( 'class' => 'nav-item', 'desc' => 'This is description #2', 'id' => 2, 'image' => '/img/bar.svg', 'location' => '/second', 'title' => 'Second', ), ); # Plack application for grid. my $app_grid = Plack::App::Tags::HTML->new( 'component' => 'Tags::HTML::Navigation::Grid', 'data_init' => [\@items], 'css' => $css, 'tags' => $tags, )->to_app; # Runner. my $builder = Plack::Builder->new; $builder->mount('/img/foo.svg' => $app_foo); $builder->mount('/img/bar.svg' => $app_bar); $builder->mount('/' => $app_grid); Plack::Runner->new->run($builder->to_app); # Output screenshot is in images/ directory. DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Error::Pure, List::Util, Readonly, Tags::HTML, Tags::HTML::Messages. SEE ALSO Tags::HTML::Login::Access Tags helper for login access. Tags::HTML::Login::Button Tags helper for login button. Tags::HTML::Login::Register Tags helper for login register. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2024 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01