mirror of f-droid.org

This is a mirror of the f-droid.org collection of free software. You can add it to your F-Droid client by clicking on: this link

If you do not already have the F-Droid client app for Android, you can download it directly from https://f-droid.org.

Click here if https://f-droid.org is not working

https://f-droid.org is the official download location for first time installers, and should always be the first one you try. If you are not able to reach that website, then there are other options. You will need to be very careful that you are using a source that you already trust. Bad actors could try to lead you to other sources with fake and potentially malicious versions of the F-Droid client.

Yes, I really need alternate sources to download from.
Still no luck, any other sources?

You can download the latest version directly from this mirror: org.fdroid.fdroid_1019052.apk

If you know how to verify a PGP signature, you can download it from here: org.fdroid.fdroid_1019052.apk.asc


f-droid.org 的镜像

这是 f-droid.org 免费软件集合的镜像。您可以点击此链接将其添加到您的 F-Droid 客户端。

如果你尚未安装 F-Droid 客户端,你可以直接从 https://f-droid.org 下载。
我无法访问 f-droid.org

对于首次安装的用户,f-droid.org 是官方下载地址,也应当始终是你的首选。如果你无法访问此网站,那么下方有其他选项。你将需要格外谨慎,确保使用你信任的来源。恶意行为者可能会将你带到有伪造及潜在恶意的 F-Droid 客户端。


这些替代来源由 F-Droid 团队提供,请验证它们正确:


你可以直接从此镜像下载最新版本: org.fdroid.fdroid_1019052.apk

如果你知道怎样验证 PGP 签名,你可以从这里下载它: org.fdroid.fdroid_1019052.apk.asc